The Crocodile Loop OHV Trail is a 40 mile day ride on the smooth sandy trails that twist through the junipers and washes of the flats to the east of Highway 89. The spectacular white cliffs of the Grand Staircase lie in the distance to the north with some monoliths rising from the desert flat close to the trail waiting to be explored. Peekaboo Slot Canyon isn’t far from this route either. The sandy trails make for a smooth although dusty ride that the whole family ought to enjoy. It took us 4.5 hours to run the trail at approximately 9 mph.

Leave early if you are going to make this run in the summer. There are a few places to escape the sun among the rocks and junipers. However, this is a ride better suited for the early spring, fall or winter (the area looks very different when the sun lies farther south in the sky).

Kanab serves as a great basecamp, providing opportunities for lodging that will keep you close enough to the trailhead that you can both escape civilization for a ride but return for a hot shower and a meal.

This is an awesome ride to add to your itinerary if you are visiting nearby Coral Pink Sand Dunes State Park, Zion National Park and even St. George.

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We highly recommend you get GAIA GPS for your mobile device. GAIA GPS will allow you to download this trail complete with the photos you see here so you can be sure where you are at all times. Simply install the GAIA GPS app and save this trail from the button below.

Would you like to see the trail in an animated 3D flyover map? If it appears to pause, that is likely a place I stopped for a while. It will continue, just wait a few moments. Link to 3D flyover.

Here is the 360 view at the trailhead. Feel free to tour around a bit inside Google Street Views. We have recorded the trail in 360 and it is now part of Google Street Views so you can take a virtual tour of the trail to see if it is for you. We’ve made it a bit easier to navigate, scroll down and you will see more 360 embedded tours as we encounter intersections, trail markers or interesting places along the trail.

On any image, you can click the ‘X’ in the upper right corner and the view will change to an overview map showing the Google Street View blue lines. You can click anywhere on that blue line and drop down to the 360 ground-level views at that point.

You can move the image 360 degrees, click the arrow to move further down the trail and zoom in and out to take a closer look. Clicking the box in the upper right-hand corner will enlarge to full screen for a better view.

The Crocodile staging area has a good parking area for your truck and trailer, pit toilets and kiosk. Turn left a short distance down the road to follow the sign for the Hog Canyon OHV riding area. Turn right to head northeast onto the loop. This is all part of Route 100 of the trail. Heading north this is a great example of the scenary and riding on this trail. Cutler Point juts out from the desert in front of you. Follow the trail from this view to see how close you will be riding to it. This is a beautiful landmark for some photography. Riding through a wash we find some deeper sand you'll want to float over. There are a few places where the junipers really hug the trail if you aren't adverse to a little Rocky Mountain pinstriping on your machine. An area where the junipers subside and the view opens up of one of the geologic steps of the Grand Staircase. From the trail looking at White Tower. Continue straight on Route 102. A short jaunt from the loop is the trailhead for Peekaboo Slot Canyon. This is a relatively easy hike and a cool slot canyon to explore especially in the heat of the summer. Pay attention the the weather though because this area is susceptible to flash flooding. Another cool place to stop and find some shade and maybe let the kids play for a bit. Turn left to head east. Stay to the right continuing east. Continue straight on Route 100 heading south. Pay attention to the GPS track if you downloaded it because you can loop back to an earlier segment of the trail here, which we did while we were out on this ride. Turn right to head east and back to the parking area.

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